Educational Short Film by ADillaTheGENIUS


Having lived as a visual artist and photographer has been a deeply shamanic and enlightening spiritual journey personally than that of an ‘Artist’. There is never a moment I don’t feel a sense of unavoidable and out-of-my-control intrusiveness about life as well as the subjects I focus my lens upon to understand. Being conscious that our thoughts and deeds are in constant observation, and that I the observer observed too, can at times be a great deal to comprehend, but in return uniquely fascinating to be a part of.  In singularity, my eyes may see a tiny fraction of the world, but in the grand scheme of our interconnected lives, there are multiple eyes with infinite vantages that collectively view the vast and complex whole. 

With this educational silent short, I wanted to illuminate a simplistic understanding of ‘seeing’ not just barely scratching the surface of eyes as an organ or solely viewing from my eyes alone, but to go further in-depth tapping into the psyche of our conscious, subconscious, emotions, existence, how we process information, communications and the mirroring effect that’s inherent to perception which triggers all senses and shapes our reality. I’ve compiled various simultaneous happenings throughout the universe, our individual lives, non-human life, as well as things that at times go unseen, although always there with the use of transcendental symbolic visuals to give an essence of observing life in motion as it unfolds all at once.

'All Seeing'

Exhibited June 30th, 2018 for Fallen Tree Exhibitions: Vanguard Culture's 'SENSORIUM' - IDEA1/I.D.E.A. District - San Diego, CA

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Beautiful Brutalism
